May 29, 2020

Daily Devotions

Meditation, Prayers, and Assorted Stuff for May 29, 2020

Henri Nouwen, Bread for the Journey, “Jesus Is Pure of Heart”

Jesus, the Beloved of God, has a pure heart. Having a pure heart means willing one thing. Jesus wanted only to do the will of his heavenly Father. Whatever Jesus did or said, he did and said it as the obedient Son of God: “What I say is what the Father has taught me; he who sent me is with me, and has not left me to myself, for I always do what pleases him” (John 8:28-29). There are no divisions in Jesus’ heart, no double motives or secret intentions. In Jesus there is complete inner unity because of his complete unity with God.

Becoming like Jesus is growing into purity of heart. That purity is what gave Jesus and will give us true spiritual vision.

These prayers are from the website

Give wisdom, Lord, that all might ask the question, ‘Who is my neighbour?’ and, as if seeing through your eyes, want nothing but the best for them. May the elderly, vulnerable, and those isolated from the world outside their door know they are loved through our actions and care, and in their loneliness know your presence, healing, and peace.

I offer you my hands, that you might use them in and through my daily work.

I offer you my feet, that you might lead them to someone who needs my help.

I offer you my shoulders, if you should need them to help lighten another’s load.

I offer you my voice, that you might use it to speak up for those in need.


Dad Jokes of the Day

What did the daddy tomato say to the baby tomato? (Catch up!)

A ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve food here.”

Today’s links!’s a list of the shows that people are binge-watching broken down state by state. This article puts the risk of COVID-19 in perspective. And no, it’s not “just like the flu.” Dive with scientists (courtesy of a remote drone shooting 4K footage) into the depths of the Ningaloo Canyons off the western coast of Australia. Read all about Jen Bricker-Bauer, an aerial gymnast who was born with no legs., this is just plain cool. Here are “25 Power Washing Jobs That Will Leave You Incredibly Satisfied.” Listen as a man wrongly imprisoned for 36 years sings his heart out on an audition for America’s Got Talent.

Sunday worship at 9 AM, with “Doughnut room” time starting at 8:30 AM. This will be Tarrah’s last Sunday with us. Be sure to wish her well!
Zoom info is the same every Sunday:, Meeting ID: 815 064 120

Dial in to participate at +1 312 626 6799.

Stay safe and stay well! 
